Backed by a cumulative 50+ years of Information Technology experience, we at HaBITS pledge:

  • To give you honest, unambiguous answers, 100% of the time!
  • That our prices will be the lowest while our solutions and services will be the very best… because we have the necessary expertise, we can resolve issues in a timely manner, saving you a bundle!
  • To be your most reliable IT partner in London and all of Southwestern Ontario!
Thank you HaBITs for tweaking our remote settings to allow me to connect to our systems from home while our office is closed for the holidays! 'HaBITS' never fails to amaze us with their availability and competitive rates! As our Law office rolls into its 6th year in business, we have now grown out of two office spaces and gone from one to four computer devices. HaBITs has been the only resource we’ve trusted to transition and improve our IT systems we rely on while we’ve continued to grow, and I strongly recommend HaBITs."
Real Client (Law Office, London Ontario)